2020 - The Makery Group

Getting Employees Early Access to Their Wages.

earnd aimed to provide a people friendly alternative to predatory payday loans. earnd works with employers to give hourly employees access to their wages as timecards are approved - without waiting for the next payday. We worked with the team that acquired earnd to re-design the on-boarding flow ahead of launch in the US.

Project Type:

Product - Mobile App


Product Designer

Reducing Friction Upfront

The current on-boarding flow for new users is at least 16 steps. It includes, account creation, locating your employer and connecting your bank account, without an option to stop or save and continue later.

to give the users early success after they download the app we broke those three steps up. Starting with account creation a user can get into the app and gain some trust before giving anymore personal information.

We added a progress indicator so its clear how long and where a user is in the process. We also added navigation elements so a user can go back or exit to the splash screen.

A Simple & Intuitive Dashboard

This dashboard was designed to give users quick access to their funds and prominently features the tools earnd has for them; set up a transfer, set up a savings plan and learning about personal finance topics.

Focusing on Transparency

Users can connect to their companies HR system. Users can see what days they have completed shifts and what shifts timecards have been approved. They can also see when they are scheduled and when the next payday.

Earnd als keeps track of all of a users transfer history. Come payday and user can check their transfers and be sure it is correct.